Very warm. Calm seas. A new moon.
Good news from Glencannon Press. They will publish my memoir Oceans Apart: the Wanderings of a Young Mariner (the prequel to Islands Under Fire). The book chronicles my European adventures aboard the training ship Empire State IV as well as my Far Eastern misadventures as a deck officer on ammo ships bound for Vietnam. Glencannon is a first rate publishing house that specializes in books on maritime subjects - history, biography and fiction. Oceans Apart will be coming out some time in 2016.
Good news from Glencannon Press. They will publish my memoir Oceans Apart: the Wanderings of a Young Mariner (the prequel to Islands Under Fire). The book chronicles my European adventures aboard the training ship Empire State IV as well as my Far Eastern misadventures as a deck officer on ammo ships bound for Vietnam. Glencannon is a first rate publishing house that specializes in books on maritime subjects - history, biography and fiction. Oceans Apart will be coming out some time in 2016.